Osmon Moving

Delivering an organized, seamless, and personalized moving experience.


Janysh Osmon of Rainbow Movers came to Branding For The People with specific business goals: increase profit margins and build a scalable business. He also had some specific branding goals: attract higher end clients, increase conversions, attract better talent (employees), and be a brand that is synonymous with friendly, caring, and high-quality.

We collaborated with Janysh starting with an in-depth Brand Strategy session. In the process, we discovered that ‘Rainbow Movers’ as a name, wasn’t unique and there already existed other moving companies with similar names. Thus, creating a potential problem of market confusion, particularly if he wanted to be more than a regional brand. Further, after a competitive analysis, we realized that most moving companies are all over the place when it comes to pricing and service quality. In our process, we helped Janysh rebrand to Osmon Moving (leveraging his last name); and, in addition, we carved out his Brand Purpose — To transform the stressful, complex, and transactional moving process into an organized, seamless, and personalized moving experience.

Naturally, it was time to give this new brand a Visual Identity and a modern, clean new website.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Visual Identity
  • Verbal Identity
  • Website Design
  • Brand Story
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Osmon Moving Branding Case Study Logo
Osmon Moving Branding Case Study Typography
Osmon Moving Branding Case Study iPhone Website Mobile Design
Osmon Moving Branding Case Study Tablet Website Design
Osmon Moving Branding Case Study Laptop Website Design
Osmon Moving Branding Case Study Desktop UI-UX Design
Osmon Moving Branding Case Study Homepage Desktop Design
Osmon Moving Branding Case Study Photography
Osmon Moving Branding Case Study Print Design Billboard

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