
Beyond “Babyish”: Jambini’s Leap in Sophistication


Jambini came to Branding For The People with a challenge: brand baby safety products in a way that’s anything but boring. Jambini found success as an Amazon-based brand. Following our Brand Strategy and Visual Identity process, we helped Jambini define and evolve their brand’s presence, image, and voice into a brand that holds its own in the baby safety industry. Check out their sophisticated new look and feel below.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Visual Identity
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Jambini Branding Case Study_Logo
Jambini Branding Case Study_Typography
Jambini Branding Case Study_Mobile Design
Jambini Branding Case Study_Website Design Laptop
Jambini Branding Case Study_Desktop UI_UX
Jambini Branding Case Study_Print Design Instruction Booklet
Jambini Branding Case Study_Visual System
Jambini Branding Case Study_Package Design
Jambini Branding Case Study_Apparel Design

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