Tips for creating well-branded live streaming video

Streaming video is storming social media. We can’t have one day pass without someone, whether an entrepreneur or not, streaming an event and posting it on Facebook. Even Twitter got onboard when it purchased Periscope, a social media platform dedicated specifically for live streaming video. It’s new, it’s fun, and can provide some exciting perspectives on what’s happening around us. But, for entrepreneurs, live video isn’t so casual that you throw your brand platform out the window! It’s simply another touchpoint like your website, stationery, social media accounts. The video must be consistent and true to your brand identity. Here are three key suggestions for a successful, well-branded live streaming video.

What is live streaming?

If you haven’t noticed or given this much thought, or simply don’t realize what you’re watching, “live streaming” is the common term used to refer to real-time, in the moment, live broadcast of video. Some apps save these clips for viewing shortly thereafter, others delete once the video has ended. The initial post is, well, live. And that’s what has everyone excited.

Why is it gaining popularity?

According to this post, there are three reasons why: 1) the current, general appeal of video; 2) the “in the moment” value for consumers; and 3) potential for user engagement (live feedback is often incorporated). We’d also add that, for some target audiences, there is appeal in something new, and the novelty of live streaming simply hasn’t worn off.

Three tips for creating a well-branded live streaming event.

For successful branding, live streaming doesn’t mean fire off an impromptu, ad lib video (unless, of course, “just wing it” is your brand strategy, but we’re going out on a limb here to assume it isn’t). There are some key considerations so that you produce a well-branding live streaming event, rather than producing something that looks more appropriate for a junior high talent show.

1. Have a brand platform.

Of course we say this. But we’re serious. And here’s why. A brand platform gives you a verbal and visual identity: words, images, colors, design, etc. It helps maintain consistency as you implement your brand across various channels.

Here’s how a brand platform will help with live streaming. It gives you a vocabulary, primary messaging, and archetype. This, in turn, will guide the setting and tone of the video. It will provide the personality to use in the video (which may not always be your innate charm and charisma). Do you need a banner or sign in the background? What product are you showcasing in the video? What key messaging are you telling your target audience about your product? These details matter for well-branded live streaming and, fortunately, will have been outlined in your brand platform.  

2. Prepare. Rehearse. Rehearse again.

Live streaming is live. No bloopers. No edits. Prepare. Write a script or even just an outline of talking points. Compare it with your brand platform for consistency.

Identify your purpose with the video and why live streaming is the method you want to use to communicate to your audience. Explore different approaches until the right one fits.

Even if your brand voice is an off-the-cuff personality, plan ahead. It’s the only way to test audio and video quality, otherwise, you could have a cold mic and too much light to keep anyone watching for more than 3 seconds. Plus, don’t forget the internet connection, or your live streaming could end up dead. Facebook’s “only me” privacy settings offer a perfect test run of your dress rehearsal.

You wouldn’t market an untested prototype or services that you’ve never researched and explored yourself, so don’t treat live streaming like an afterthought. Your brand deserves this work.

3. Use your marketing strategy and promote the live streaming event.

Promote a live stream? Yes. It sounds a little odd, doesn’t it? But if the video disappears, or the live stream doesn’t appear in a news feed until the next day, then you’ve defeated the purpose of a live stream, haven’t you? Promote this touchpoint to gain the interest of as many members of your target audience as possible. You wouldn’t send an email funnel to 1 person on your email list… so don’t waste all of your work on this branding touchpoint by not letting anyone know it’s happening.

If you are bold enough to be an early adopter of live streaming, don’t sprint into the woods with your eyes closed. Be prepared, remembered your brand platform, and use it to create a successful, well-branded live streaming event.

If your brand has taken you as far it can go, there’s only one way to take it further. It’s not with a marketing agency. Not with a business coach. Not even a graphic designer.

It makes common sense to hire a branding agency … for branding. And, you can do that in just 2-days with our “Branding Intensive“.