As your business evolves, so should your brand.

A common theme amongst business owners that we meet who are looking to rebrand is “my brand no longer matches my business”. Simply put: they’ve outgrown their brand.

It’s actually a great problem to have as not only does this mean their business is growing but they now have the opportunity to redefine their business and develop a clear message that sets them apart from their competitors.

So, how do you know when it’s time to rebrand?

A past client of ours, CEO and founder of Extraordinary Life, Al Spicer, sought out our help when he noticed he wasn’t experiencing the growth he had in years prior.

In an already highly-saturated market, he needed a new strategy to communicate exclusivity and quality to prospective clients. For Al, he knew he’d outgrown his brand when his old brand no longer reflected his accreditations, experience, and caliber of coaching – something that limited his potential reach.

For our client Justin Berg, owner of Purple Care, rebranding became necessary when he discovered that his client base was unaware of the additional services his company offered.

His rebrand included a new name, a new look, and a new purpose, which has helped grow his business in every department.

The list of businesses in these situations goes on, but the one thing they all had in common is: their brand no longer fit what their business had become.

If you believe your advertising might be the reason for your business’s lack of growth, an important question to ask is “why is my advertising off?”

Does the message you’re putting out align with what your target audience is seeing?

Is it difficult to align your message with your creative assets?

If so, it might be a good idea to audit your brand before investing more money in advertising campaigns.

Take some time to thoroughly review your brand. Look at its current position in your market compared to your competitors.

Take note of its strengths and weaknesses. Is your brand relevant?

You may not be able to keep your competition away from your customers but you can keep your business in front of them, and staying relevant is an integral part of that. 

Growth is good (obviously!), and so is change.

If you want to attract your target audience, your message needs to match who you are. If you’re thinking of rebranding, that’s the best place to start – who are you?

If you’re having trouble redefining your business and are ready to talk about a rebrand, let’s chat. 

Ready To Transform Your Brand?