The common branding mistake entrepreneurs make when it comes to branding is first they actually think that branding is their logo.

They ask questions like: What should my logo look like? What should my colors be? 

Branding is so much more than a logo. Before designing your logo or selecting colors, it’s important to get clear on:

  • Who are your target audiences?
  • What are the problems you solve for them?
  • Why should your target audiences listen to or buy from you?

It’s the answer to these questions that creates the foundation for your brand and ultimately what your logo should look like. 

Another mistake that entrepreneurs make is crowdsourcing their logo. When you’re bootstrapping your business, it’s easy to just go to a crowdsourcing resource to design your logo. 

The problem with doing this is that these resources aren’t fully invested in your business. They’re not taking the time to understand what you’re trying to do, who you’re trying to attract or what kind of brand is going to resonate with your target audiences.

The designer can only execute what they feel is the best interpretation of your logo from their perspective — which doesn’t work.  

Wouldn’t you want to have an icon, a symbol, a logo, or a brand that truly represents who you are and what you’re about? And more importantly, wouldn’t you want to have a brand that’s going to resonate with your target audiences.

Are you making any of these two branding mistakes?  Expand your understanding of branding by learning 7 components of a great brand in The Branding Blueprint.