Beyond Burials

Making the dream of space a reality.


Beyond Burials offers affordable space memorial experiences that help family members celebrate their loved ones in a unique, meaningful, and inspiring way; by taking the remains of someone who has passed and then rocketing them into outer space.

As a new venture fueled by his love for outer space, founder Dan Peabody approached Branding For The People to help him bring his passion project to life. As a new form of memorializing a loved one after they passed, we were tasked with building this new brand from the ground up.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Visual Identity
  • Verbal Identity
  • UI/UX Strategy
  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Copywriting
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Branding Case Study Beyond Burials Featured Brand
Branding Case Study Beyond Burials Logo
Beyond Burials Website
Branding Case Study Beyond Burials Typography
Branding Case Study Beyond Burials Brand Architecture
Branding Case Study Beyond Burials Brochure Design
Branding Case Study Beyond Burials Experiences WebPage
Branding Case Study Beyond Burials Mobile Website
Branding Case Study Beyond Burials Photography
Branding Case Study Beyond Burials Packaging


With the successful launch of their new brand, Beyond Burials is poised to be one of the premier companies leading the forefront of the nascent space burial industry.

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