I had an eye-opening conversation with a colleague. This woman knows her stuff, especially when it comes to online marketing.Part of conversation led to a very interesting topic. The role of a CEO.

You see, as the CEO of your small businesses, we know there are three things you must always keep your eye on:

  1. Sales
  2. Fulfilling the Vision of your company
  3. Hiring the best people

Let’s discuss the last list item.

I don’t know about you, but there are pieces of running my business that I dislike. Rather, there are aspects I’m not really good at. Usually, it’s technology-related.

But, technology is critical for the operations of my business.

Here’s my question: Have you ever hired someone that requires some level of technical (or professional) expertise and didn’t get the results you had hoped for?

Have you ever had to hire a social media strategist?

A web developer?

An Infusionsoft expert?

A product launch manager?

A virtual assistant?

Well, part of the issue might be the person wasn’t qualified.

Or provided the wrong level of service.

Or, maybe, you weren’t ready for the person you hired.

Either way, there’s one idea that my colleague mentioned to me that made me rethink my hiring process. It’s the notion that you must be know all aspects of the position you’re hiring someone for.

That is, you have to know enough about the position to ask the right questions during the screening phase. Someone may not be as trained or experienced as they lead you to believe, but they may masterful at sales. Hence, you get “sold” something — but, you have no way of knowing if this person is truly the right fit for you.

If you’re anything like me, you may know enough about technology, but you’re more the Visionary or the Creative. You can’t be bothered by the technical aspects of your business.

And, yet, you need to be involved. It doesn’t mean you have to do the technical jobs. But you have to know enough to ask the right questions so you don’t get burned from so-called experts or professionals who promise you one thing, but don’t deliver.

What does have to do with brand?

Well, if you already know that brand is more than a logo, then you will resonate with the idea that your brand is a key aspect of helping you make decisions for your business.