7 Headlines That Work.

Writing headlines is hard. Your headline is the first, and perhaps only, impression you make on a prospective reader. A compelling headline turns a browser into a reader, which is the goal of all great copy: To keep the reader reading.

The number one subject line of the hundreds of subject lines that we’ve written here at BFTP was meant to introduce our copywriting service, and it went something like this… “I found a typo on your website!” Our open ratios were through the roof that day because of the personal and engaging nature of the subject, and its direct link to the program it was meant to announce.

On average 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of ten will read the rest.

Furthermore, the average attention span of an adult in the United States is 9 seconds. 9 seconds! That’s less than a goldfish.

What does all of this mean?

It means that your headline is the most important part of your piece of content. Without a good headline, the rest of your amazing content gets left unread.

So how do you create a great headline? It’s easier than you think. Below are tried and true headline strategies that you can apply to your industry and content.

1How To _____

This is a simple straightforward headline structure that works with any desirable benefit. “How To” are two of the most powerful words you can use in a headline.

How To Win Friends And Influence People
How To Write Headlines That Get Clicked On

2. Lists

Any headline that lists a number of reasons, secrets, types, or ways will work because it makes a very specific promise of what’s in store for the reader. A nice quantifiable return on attention invested goes a long way toward prompting action, and as long as you deliver with quality content, you’ll have a satisfied reader.

7 Email Subject Lines That Work
36 Reasons Your Copy Sucks
3 Ways To Write Better Emails

3. Why _____

Starting of your post title with “why” at the beginning of a declarative statement (instead of a question) is one easy way to focus in on the benefit of reading your article.

Why Some People Always Make Money On The Stock Market
Why Your Boss Won’t Promote You

4. Who Else Wants ____

Starting a headline with “Who Else Wants…” is a classic social proof strategy that implies an already existing consensus desire. While overused in the Internet marketing arena, it still works well for other subject matter.

Who Else Wants a Great WordPress Theme? Who Who Else Wants a Higher Paying Job?
Who Else Wants More Fun and Less Stress When on Vacation?

5. Secrets of ____

The word secrets works wonders in headlines. Who doesn’t want to know a secret? This especially works well when the secret the reader is learning is shared by a credible source.

Sales Secrets Of Successful Entrepreneurs
Secrets Of Putting From Masters Winner Tiger Woods

6. Give Me ____ And I’ll Show You ____

This structure simplifies the gist of any sales message: A promise. It telegraphs your offer, and if your offer is clear and good, this may be your best strategy.

Give Us 15 Minutes And We Can Save You 15% Or More On Car Insurance
Give Me 5 Days And I Will Deliver You A Sales Page That Makes Money

7. Now You Can _______

This is a classic “have your cake and eat it too” headline. Who doesn’t want that? Great for when you are selling something that delivers multiple benefits.

Now You Can Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself.
Now You Can Close More Sales While Making Less Phone Calls

The key to a great headline is to get the reader to read on. That’s it. We outlined 7 headline strategies that are proven to work, but there are many, many more! Remember to focus on the benefit the reader will receive by reading your content, and watch your open rates and page views increase.