Human At Scale

Scaling businesses through human-centered leadership.


Chase Damiano, the founder of Human At Scale came to Branding For The People to take his brand to the next level. Chase previously co-built a national coffee brand from the ground up as COO, and consulted for the Fortune 50 and late-stage start-ups in Accenture’s Emerging Technology and Innovation practice. But after struggling with many of the same challenges of the leaders he now helps, Chase left the company behind for a new direction and passion—helping others become inspiring and successful leaders. Our team collaborated with Chase to clarify his brand’s vision, purpose, and platform. In addition, we refreshed his existing logo, enhanced the visual language of his brand, and upgraded and integrated his digital presence and website.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Visual Identity
  • Verbal Identity
  • UI/UX Strategy
  • Website Design
  • Copywriting
  • Website Development
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Human At Scale Branding Case Study Logo
Human At Scale Branding Case Study Typography
Human At Scale Branding Case Study Tablet Website Design
Human At Scale Branding Case Study Laptop Website Design
Human At Scale Branding Case Study Product Website Design
Human At Scale Branding Case Study Apparel Design
Human At Scale Branding Case Study Visual System Photography

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