What Is A Bad Brand Idea?

What Is A Bad Brand Idea?

Uber rebranded this month. And well, it isn’t the best brand idea. What is a bad brand idea? Read on. Uber’s mistake was not that they rebranded (their old brand left a lot to be desired) but rather that their new brand doesn’t hit the mark. For a company considered...
Brand Attributes

Brand Attributes

What are the most important brand attributes? What are branding attributes? What matters most to your customers? Most people would argue that to build a better brand you need to build a better product. It’s intuitive and logical. Everyone thinks they can tell a high...
Lessons Learned From Super Bowl Ads

Lessons Learned From Super Bowl Ads

Lessons Learned From Super Bowl Ads The Superbowl isn’t just the biggest day of the year for football. It’s the biggest day of the year for branding and advertising. Every company puts their best foot forward in an attempt to wow consumers and the competition. And...
Developing Your Brand Voice

Developing Your Brand Voice

We don’t even know you (well we do, but we don’t know who is reading right now) but we do know you aren’t as smart as Albert Einstein. We hate to burst your bubble, but unless you are a physics savant (and if you are, godbless and thank you for reading our blog)...