Emily Prendiville

Redefining wealth and reinventing success.


Emily Prendiville is a leading voice for heart-centered business practices. As a 35-year student of money, finance, and relationships, she has helped private clients develop strategies that recapture money transferred to financial institutions and the Government. Despite her success, her brand no longer matched her level of experience and expertise. She came to Branding For The People to help her clarify her message and transform her brand into appeal to her target audience of advisors and clients. The result? A complete rebrand that included a new Brand Identity and Website that centralized all of her various offerings under one umbrella — and in the process, enabling her to fulfill on her purpose help expanding, conscious-based financial advisors and entrepreneurs uncover ways to multiply their value and create more impact.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Visual Identity
  • Verbal Identity
  • UI/UX Strategy
  • Website Design
  • Copywriting
  • Website Development
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Emily Prendiville Branding Case Study Logo
Emily Prendiville Branding Case Study Mobile Website Design
Emily Prendiville Branding Case Study Typography
Emily Prendiville Branding Case Study Laptop Website Design
Emily Prendiville Branding Case Study Website
Emily Prendiville Branding Case Study Tablet UI-UX Design
Emily Prendiville Branding Case Study Print Marketing Journal
Emily Prendiville Branding Case Study Print Marketing Business Card Design
Emily Prendiville Branding Case Study Visual System Photography

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